Friday, September 18, 2009

Brain, Stress and Music

The power of a human brain is unlimited. The capability of a human brain is immeasurable. That’s why we can call it as the most powerful organ in the body. It is so important to pay attention in maintaining it in an effective and healthy manner.

Stress is a very common word that we here in our day today life. Lots of people are suffering from stress in their day to day activities. Heavy work loads, unbearable competitiveness and bad mental conditions are some of the main reasons which lead humans to increase the stress of the brain.

Actually the stress of the human brain is always not a bad thing. Sometimes it is a very essential factor that helps us to make our works successful. But the most important thing is, the stress should be in us up to some limited extend. For an example, stress helps us to get ready and pass an exam well. If we have a normal stress about an exam, then we will compel to study hard and get ready for it early. But if we have a big stress regarding the exam, then we will not be able to perform in the exam as usual. So in such situations keeping the stress up to a limited extend is very important.

High stress effects on us badly, both physically and mentally. Various diseases can be appeared due to the stress. So it is very essential thing to control the stress in our day to day life.

How we can control the stress? There are various techniques and methods have been introduced to do this. Various kinds of meditations, exercises and healing methods are using on this purpose. Having a good sleep is a very simple method of reducing the stress of the human brain. Also another easiest and simplest way to do this is ‘using MUSIC’ in our day to day life.


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